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West Ashley Chamber
Member ROI Strategy

Introductory Period

Within 30 days, commit to: 


• Become familiar with our Parent Chamber’s website, especially our calendar of events, member benefits, and member directory.


• Get social! Go to both Chamber’s Facebook page and like us (Southeastern Chamber & West Ashley Area Chamber). Then leave a post telling why you joined the Chamber.  Like our Facebook page to keep up on events and to network online.


• Participate in discussions; ask for advice, better yet, provide information that makes you the expert in your field. This is a great place to showcase your business without making a sales pitch. 


• Add the Chamber logo to your business website. As a recognized Chamber member, you increase your company’s integrity within the business community. 


• Send us your business representative’s contact information. Most businesses have one or two primary contacts, but including other employees in Chamber communications will increase the value of your membership. Allowing all your employees or co-workers the opportunity to receive Chamber communications will increase awareness of the training and leadership development opportunities offered by the Chamber. 


• Attend the next Chamber function and begin to maximize your membership and get involved in the West Ashley business community.  If you are a new business, are expanding your business, or are opening in a new location, contact the Chamber to discuss a ribbon cutting. We love celebrating our members’ milestones of success!

Attend & Introduce

Within 60 days, commit to: 


• Check the Chamber website member listing for your business information’s accuracy, including your category listing in the search field. Contact the Chamber if it needs corrected or changed. Help us represent your business accurately. 


• Display your Chamber membership decal prominently. Studies show that people view Chamber membership as a sign of credibility and commitment to excellence. If you do not have a decal, please contact the office at 843.556.2863 to order your decal. 


• Register to come to at least one Chamber networking or development event. The WAAC regularly hosts mixers, millennial events, shop local campaigns, ribbon cuttings and many more. These gatherings offer excellent opportunities to meet other business owners and to collaborate on business strategies. 


• Communicate your news to the Chamber. The Chamber news report is published monthly and includes member events, promotions, and other business news via Robly software. In addition, the website and social media pages, highlights upcoming events.


• Keep the Chamber informed of your news so we can share it with other members. 

Remember a member when fulfilling business or personal needs for goods or services. Check out the Membership Directory category listing to see who’s available for you.


• Set S.M.A.R.T. goals you’d like to achieve by becoming a Chamber member. (Specific. Measurable. Attainable. Realistic. Timely.) Are you looking for a specific number of business referrals in the next three months? Are you focused on a set number of new client meetings before the end of the year? Are you looking for a new business partnership that will expand your product base? Decide exactly what goals you’d like to achieve, and then talk with the Chamber staff to see how we can help.


Within 90 days, commit to: 


• Reviewing your membership listing on the Chamber on-line directory. Do you have any contact information to add or change? Inform the Chamber so we can update your information.


• Share with the Chamber any Member-2-Member promotions which the Chamber can share for you.


• Review the Chamber event calendar and plan to attend a networking event in the near future.  Get engaged. Support a fellow Chamber member with a business exchange.


• Follow up with someone you met at a Chamber function.  Drop off promotional material to the nearest Chamber satellite office. 


• Look over your Chamber benefits. Is there an advertising opportunity you would like to know more about? Is there something you want to share with our list of Chamber members which the Chamber provides for a small fee through mass communication?




Within 120 days, commit to: 


• Sharing your Chamber experience with someone that would benefit from membership.  Look into sponsorship opportunities. Possibilities range from Shop local campaign map spots at $100, breakfast sponsorships at $150, website sponsorships at $250, multiple event sponsorships at many donation levels. 


• Consider hosting a mixer at your business.  Communicate to the Chamber special accomplishments, such as awards, new hires, special training or achievements, program offerings or extended hours. 


• Volunteer for an event. Planning for the major events happens throughout the year, and new volunteers are always welcome! Perhaps you would like to help create the charm of our Shop Local Campaigns; or some of your staff would enjoy planning and preparing for the Annual Emerging Leaders Gala; and Career Collective and the West Ashley. Restaurant Festival succeed due to the many people who contribute to the event. 


• In a like vein, consider serving on a Chamber council such as the Legislation Council, the Millennials At The Top (M.A.T.T.),The Advisory Board, or Diversity & Inclusion Council.



Implement & Analyze

Within 180 days, commit to:


• Explore ways you can extend your business through Chamber advertising opportunities or commercial spots.  Submit a member testimonial.


• Review your membership goals. Is your partnership with the Chamber meeting the goals you set for joining? If not, call us!  Give us some feedback. Complete any surveys we send out. How better can we serve you? We value your opinion and your answers help improve the Chamber. 


• Attend more Chamber events. Repetition at events creates an atmosphere of trust among other members. People like to do business with others they know and see often. Also, remember that it is not the size of the event, but the relationship building opportunity that counts. Some small events have enormous value. 


• Invite a potential member to join you at a Chamber event.



West Ashley Area Chamber
2023 Membership Application

Contact Us

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2070 Sam Rittenberg Blvd

Suite B-272, Charleston, SC 29407


(located inside the Harbor Entrepreneur Center

@ The Citadel Mall)

© 2023 West Ashley Area Chamber. Designed by PUMA

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